THE TAMING OF THE SHREW was performed July 3, 2013 - August 25, 2013 at Arena Players Repertory Theatre
For Kate, played with pouting petulance by Cassandra Dupler, the challenges were more architectural. "It must be 30 steps up and down," she recounts. Dupler runs it at least five times -- screaming and throwing fits as demanded by Shakespeare and director Frederic De Feis. "I keep a couple of bottles of water up there in the clock tower," she says, referring to the mansion accouterment that serves as a built-in set for Arena's Shakespeare Festival...(Keith) Cornelius and Dupler are in frequent combat in which he tosses her over his head into hoped-for but never quite achieved submission. (That's Kate/Dupler's interpretation.)
-Steve Parks, Newsday, 7/15/13
The two leads, Keith Cornelius as Petruchio and Cassandra Dupler as Kate, were the keys to the success of the show. Cornelius had the rough-hewn power both physically and poetically, including a pseudoerotic wrestling match with Katherine. Dupler had extremely good range, a rasping defiance down to a cooing obedience without interfering with the pentameter and with efficient projection.
-Charles Morgan, Times Record Beacon of Long Island, 7/11/13