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GYPSY, starring the legendary Leslie Uggams, was performed July 10-20, 2014 at Connecticut Repertory Theatre

Three strippers absolutely snatch the spotlight from all as they cavort to and fro, over and under, front and back, and (use your imagination). Congratulations to actors Ariana Shore, Cassandra Dupler and MacKenzie Leigh Friedmann for, ahem, pulling it off—slapstick galore. They advise everyone as to proper procedure in "You Gotta Get a Gimmick."


-Fred Sokol, Talkin’ Broadway, 7/13/14

The trio of strippers --Tessie Tura, Electra (Cassandra Dupler) and Mazeppa -- are great fun.


-Frank Rizzo,

Hartford Courant, 7/14/14 

The three strippers: Tessie Tura (MacKenzie Leigh Friedmann), Mazeppa (Ariana Shore), and Electra (Cassandra Dupler) score with "You Gotta Have a Gimmick."


-Karen Isaacs, Connecticut Critics Circle, 7/16/14 

Also standing out in minor roles are Mackenzie Leigh Friedmann (as a crotchety audition monitor), Steven Hayes as Uncle Jocko, Dale AJ Rose as Mr. Goldstone and Ariana Shore, Cassandra Dupler -- and Friedmann again -- as the strippers who tell Louise "Ya Gotta Get a Gimmick."


 -Lauren Yarger, Broadway World, 7/16/14 

Any production of “Gypsy’’ needs a vivid Mazeppa, the striptease artist with a horn, and this one has a dandy in Ariana Shore: She’s hilarious. Almost as good are MacKenzie Leigh Friedmann and Cassandra Dupler as Tessie Tura and Electra, two other strippers, who team up with Shore for an entertaining “You Gotta Get a Gimmick.’’      


-Don Aucoin, Boston Globe, 7/12/14 

Another memorable scene is "You Gotta Get a Gimmick," where Louise is introduced, behind the scenes at a seedy burlesque hall, to the art of the striptease. Mackenzie Leigh Friedmann, Cassandra Dupler and Ariana Shore are hilarious as the trio of seasoned strippers − Mazeppa, Electra and Tessie Tura. 


-Melanie Savage, Hartford Courant

 “Reminder News”, 7/14/14 

There are quite a few stand-out moments in the show, chief among them June and Louise’s duet -- “If Momma Was Married” -- and Louise’s education about the world of the stripper -- “You Gotta Get a Gimmick” -- performed by Tessa Tura (MacKenzie Leigh Friedman), Electra (Cassandra Dupler) and Mazeppa (Ariana Shore).


-Geary Danihy, CT Theater News and Reviews, 7/12/14 

Louise's star turn takes an unexpected curve, especially when she meets and gets inspired by a trio of strippers, Mazeppa (Ariana Shore), Electra (Cassandra Dupler) and Tessie Tura (MacKenzie Leigh Friedmann) who make the tune "You Gotta Get a Gimmick" one of the highlights of the show. As directed by Vincent J. Cardinal, "Gypsy" is a pure pleasure.


-Bonnie K. Goldberg, Bonnie's Blog: The Balcony and Beyond, 7/12/14 

Mazeppa (Mackenzie Leigh Friedmann), Electra (Cassandra Dupler) and Tessie Tura (Ariana Shore) are brassy and terrific, and their number, "You Gotta Get a Gimmick" is a blast.


 -Michele Markarian,

 Boston Events Insider, 7/17/14


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